Brand Guidelines
These are the guidelines of echo3D, Inc. (“echo3D”) for partners integrating the echo3D name, logo and brand in their 3D/AR/VR applications and/or communications. We ask that you respect our brand and adhere to the legal restrictions detailed below.
Note that these guidelines may be amended from time to time by echo3D, in its sole discretion. Usage of the resources made available below is subject to our Terms of Service.
Our Logo
We love our logo (icon + wordmark) so please make sure to treat it with respect. To ensure consistency, clarity, and ease of recall, we require that you follow the below guidelines when you use our logo, wordmark and icon.
The echo3D blue & white logo, shown on the top left, is our primary and preferred logo colorway. Depending on the background, you may also use any of the other logo versions shown above. Note that the echo3D blue logo, shown on the top right, may only be used on white or light-colored backgrounds, while the echo3D white logo, shown on the bottom, may only be used in cases in which the background is black or dark-colored.

If the echo3D logo has already been established in the work in which it appears, you may choose to thereafter only use the echo3D cloud icon on its own.
Generally, the blue cloud icon should be used. However, on black and dark-colored backgrounds, the white cloud icon can also be used. Note that if you used the echo3D blue logo, you should later only use the blue cloud icon, but if you used the echo3D white logo, you should later only use the white cloud icon (don't mix and match!).

While the cloud icon can appear without the wordmark, the wordmark should never appear without the icon.
Minimum Size
To make sure the legibility of the echo3D logo is not compromised, we require that it will always be at least 70px in size when used in digital media or 20mm in print. The cloud icon, if used on its own, must always be at least 21px in size when used in digital media or 6mm in print.

Negative Space
The negative space around the logo and icon should equal to at least half the width of the icon.

Incorrect Use
It is important for us that the appearance of the echo3D logo remains consistent and, therefore, our logo should not be modified, altered changed, abbreviated or added to in any way. Its orientation, colors and composition should remain as provided in these guidelines, with no exceptions. The logos and icons made available to you for download in particular formats must never be recreated, redrawn, re-proportioned, cut apart, embellished or altered in any way or appear on a distracting background image or pattern.

Do not stack the logo

Do not change colors

Do not rotate the logo

Do not distort the logo

Do not apply effects

Do not use wordmark alone
Our Colors
Our brand palette consists primarily of Prussian Blue, Deep Sky Blue and white, which we use across all our product offerings, websites, merchandise, and more.
HEX #002D64
RGB (0,45,100)
RGB (37,193,253)
RGB (255, 255, 255)
Use Restrictions
If you are building your 3D/AR/VR application using our products and services, you should not imply in any way that your application is partnered with, endorsed or sponsored by echo3D (but suggesting to users that it is “powered by echo3D” is acceptable). The name of your application must not include “echo” in its name or be similar to “echo” or “echo3D” in sound or spelling. Your logo should also not include, or look similar to the echo3D logo or any of its brand elements (e.g., color palette or cloud icon).
Do not incorporate echo3D's name, logo or other trademarks, in whole or in part, in your brand identity, such as the name of your application, product, service, business or website. Also, unless approved in advance and in writing by echo3D, you should not use the echo3D name or logo together with any other brand or in any co-branded communications.
In no event should echo3D's name, logo or other marks be used in connection with content or activity that is inconsistent or violates echo3D's Terms of Service or any applicable law. You also may not use any of our marks to disparage echo3D, our products or services or in any manner that, in our reasonable judgment, may diminish or damage our goodwill in the marks.
If you have any questions about these guidelines or are unsure if your 3D/AR/VR application or communication best represents the echo3D brand, please contact us at